NIght league rules


Boston Indoor Bowling Club – Night League Rules (2022-2023)

The Night League Secretary, in the first instance, will adjudicate on these rules, with the Greens Committee settling any further disputes regarding their interpretation



  • 2 wood open triples
  • 21 ends or a bell at 1hour 53 minutes
  • Home team to have possession of the jack
  • Spray chalk only to be used


  • Teams should register at least 8, max 11, playing members on the form provided
  • If a team loses two thirds of its players, the team ceases to exist
  • The fixture list must be adhered to except: a) where both teams agree to a change, b) where cases of Covid (etc) become serious within the club or the community as a whole, or c) in the case of extremely bad weather

The Game

  • All green fees should be paid by the captain to the member of staff on duty
  • Once both captains have entered the names of their players on the scorecards, the member of staff will enter the rink numbers
  • Games MUST start on time, teams commencing play with the number present
  • If only 5 members are present, they should start one rink with 3 players and the second rink with 2 players, making up the number when another member arrives
  • When only 2 players are present for one team on a rink, the second player of the opposing team will play their 2 bowls consecutively
  • EIBA rules apply, except that players can switch positions during the game
  • Skips will leave the head together and are not allowed to visit the head again
  • Skips SIGN the cards prior to handing them in at the bar at the end of the game


  • The TOTAL number of points per game is 6
  • 2 points are awarded for a win on EACH rink (1 point each for a tied rink)
  • 2 points are awarded for the winning aggregate (1 point each for a tied game)


  • A substitute is someone who is registered to play for a team in another division
  • A team can ONLY use a substitute 4 times in a season, Sept to April
  • Only ONE substitute can play in a team per night
  • A sub can play for a team ONCE between Sept & Dec & ONCE between Jan & Apr
  • The captain should mark the substitute’s name on the scorecard with an S and add the name to the ‘Subs’ sheet to the side of rink 6
  • Division 1 can use subs from Division 2; Division 2 can use subs from Division 1


  • A floater is someone who is not registered with a team but is happy to be called upon occasionally to bowl
  • The names of possible floaters should be on a list to the side of rink 6 and a new name should be entered onto that list BEFORE they start to play in a game
  • A floater can only play ONCE per calendar month for the same team
  • The captain should mark the floater’s name on the scorecard with an F

Player Transfers

  • Players can be transferred between teams during the season
  • Before playing for their new team, notice of the transfer should be given in writing to the Night League Secretary 7 days before the game
  • NO transfers or floaters will be allowed in the last 2 weeks of the season

Fixture Penalties

  • Team playing one rink: 2 points awarded to the opponents for the rink not played, plus sufficient shots to ensure the aggregate also
  • Team failing to play a fixture: 6 points and 32 shots awarded to the opponents
  • Team playing an unregistered/ineligible player: 4 points awarded to the opponents and enough shots to ensure the aggregate
  • Team playing a sub or floater when a reg. player was available: 4 points deducted

Dress Code

  • It is hoped that all players in the Evening League will wear appropriate clothing; football shirts are not allowed


DIVISION 1 and 2


Good news

As of last Friday (30/9/22), there are now THREE experienced bowlers named on the floaters list beside rink 6

The rule around the use of floaters is more generous than the use of subs, so I hope this will make life easier for captains if you are struggling to put out 6 bowlers per game night


The Night League Rules (printed in the Fixture Book and around the club) state that,

  • Subs can be used by a team FOUR times during the season
  • ONE sub can be used by a team per night
  • A (named) bowler can play as a sub for a team ONCE between Sept & Dec, and ONCE between Jan and April

The Greens Committee has recently agreed to a trial this season whereby, in extreme circumstances, you will be able to play TWO subs in one evening (but keeping to the limit of FOUR subs per season)

I hope both of these provisions will help you during the rest of the season

Steve Boycott

Night League Secretary

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Boston Indoor Club welcomes everyone with an interest in this fascinating sport and opens its doors to prospective members of all ages, abilities and agilities - from juniors to great-grandparents, from absolute beginners to national level players.

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